2 to 4 Proctored Practice SAT/ACT Tests Per Month

$75.00 every month

The most common correlation among those who scored a perfect 1600 in a Thomas Martinson study, was neither race, household income, parent education levels, parent's profession, student GPA, nor number of AP courses.  It was number of practice tests taken prior to the real SAT.  While correlation does not equal causation, there are many reasons why multiple practice tests should lead to higher actual scores.  By taking Ivy Bound's proctored online Practice Tests, students know what to expect of the test, what to expect of themselves, and where the avoidable pitfalls lie. 

Ivy Bound offers Practice Tests at least twice a month, on Saturdays from 10a - 1:30p or Sundays 2p - 5:30p, Eastern. After the timed sections are complete, students are given the answers.  They self-correct the test and can give then calculate a three-digit scores for Math and Verbal.  Students may join our Sunday evening online Test Reviews to see problems solved, hear why certain answers are wrong, and review strategies that will prepare them for the upcoming REAL test.
