Test Prep Efficiency for the SAT & ACT
At Ivy Bound, we have always promoted efficiency – more learning in less time! We understand that most student schedules are overcrowded with schoolwork, extracurricular activities and other obligations. There is no time to be wasted, yet many online canned courses promote learning without answers.
Improve Your Test Scores
Interactive Tutoring & Test Prep
No online canned program can be responsive when a student has questions. Unfortunately, all a student can do is replay the video, which can quickly become frustrating. This is time wasted, compared to online chat or face-to-face tutoring.
When you weigh the pros and cons, a 45-minute session with a real tutor certainly outweighs a two-hour online video. A live tutor can answer your questions and develop a strategy to help combat recurring issues. If a student gets two of the same type of question wrong, our tutors find a solution so that student doesn’t get those questions wrong again.
We Work Around Your Schedule
Ivy Bound has always believed that students should not spend extra time unnecessarily. Our instructors travel to a student’s home, local library or other location at the student’s convenience. There is always an option to prep online, but for the students who want one-on-one instruction in person, we make ourselves available.
Mark Greenstein, owner of Ivy Bound, discusses what distinguishes their programs from other online test prep and tutoring programs.