What If Your SAT Score is Not Good Enough

There is recourse, in mindset and action, for students who receive SAT scores that are below where they need for likely admission to their choice university.

Have The Right Mindset

  1. I’m  not finished. I still have multiple chances to prove myself on a future SAT.

  2. This is a snapshot of where I am now. If I didn’t do extensive test prep, then I expect the next score will be better once I do the prep.

  3. The SAT might not be my optimal test. I can take the ACT. I know the colleges accept the best scores submitted.

Positive Action Steps

  1. I’ll start studying NOW for the next SAT. The course Mom/Dad/Grandpa offered me I will take now and take seriously.

  2. I’ll start learning good SAT vocabulary NOW. I can use Ivy Bound’s SAT vocabulary words to start.

  3. I will do an ACT vs SAT comparison test this weekend. For $50, Ivy Bound can email the test and have it scored within two days of a student submitting the answers.

Build Your Support Base

  1. I’ll enlist Mom or Dad. They want to propel me to a good college as much as I want to attend. I will let them help with my SAT study.

  2. I’ll consider Ivy Bound’s classes or Private tutoring. Mom and/or Dad can hear more on a conference call or by calling Ivy Bound any weekday at 877-IVY-BOUND.

  3. If I only need help on ONE of the sections, I can enlist a tutor to simply focus on that one section. Super-Scoring helps me at almost every U.S. college.


What To Do After a Cancelled SAT


What To Do When Your Test Scores Are Delayed