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Tutoring Clubs for School Subjects and SAT/ACT Prep
What is a Tutoring Club?
A tutoring club is where serious students gather to get their work done AND have a tutor’s expertise when they are stuck.
Some tutoring clubs are more pro-active – they enlist a tutor to teach a certain agenda from scratch, or review a certain subject. High School tutoring clubs allow students to get help with difficult academic work, with semi-academic work, and with standardized test prep.
Do You Need Algebra 2 Before SAT Prep?
Many parents ask us if a student’s SAT prep should be delayed until he or she has completed Algebra 2 in school. The timing of when you study for the SAT is really important. Kids’ schedules, whether during sophomore or junior year, tend to get filled up later in the year. While schedules are more hectic in the spring, students also have more math knowledge under their belts than in winter or fall. So, what should students do?
What is the SAT Adversity Rating?
The score, officially called the Environmental Context Dashboard, is calculated with several factors that take into account a student’s home conditions, their community and school system. Also factored in are the student’s local crime rate, poverty rate, if the student has only one parent, the families median income and more.
What To Do After a Cancelled SAT
During winter and early spring in New England, an SAT date may be cancelled due to weather. Parents and students who might be fretful about a cancelled SAT should know there is no downside to a test that’s rescheduled! Our founder, Mark Greenstein, explains how this can actually be beneficial for students.
What If Your SAT Score is Not Good Enough
There is recourse, in mindset and action, for students who receive SAT scores that are below where they need for likely admission to their choice university.
What To Do When Your Test Scores Are Delayed
The makers of the SAT demand scrutiny when someone’s score has increased by what they believe to be an inordinately high amount. When a student scores 250 points higher than a previous test, they are required to investigate for cheating.
What “Test Optional” Means for Applicants to Competitive Colleges
Test Blind: colleges wont see test scores at all.
Test Optional: Students who withhold scores are still included for consideration but with one less credential
What to Expect from the New SAT
The format of the SAT has changed in many ways, both good and bad, depending on a given student’s strengths. Designed to prepare students for higher education, the standardized test has evolved greatly over its 90-year existence.
Should You Switch from the SAT to ACT?
When you score poorly on the SAT the first time, it can be very disappointing. However, depending on when you took the exam, there could be time for a retake. If you’re a high school junior, should you sign up for the next SAT or look ahead to future ACT dates? We offer three tips to help you make this decision. First, what are the key differences between the two tests?
A Smarter Path to Success: The Value of Tutoring
A parent will feel regretful when their child receives an unsatisfactory score on either the SAT or the ACT. Fewer scholarship opportunities, a smaller total amount of money available for awards, and the realization that "we could have prevented this."
Why Take the SAT Multiple Times?
Students who do well on their fourth SAT but whose prior SAT scores were mediocre earn acceptances based on their higher score. Too many students "under-test," and it leaves them bereft of a score they could have used to gain admission.
How should I consider a “School Day” SAT or ACT?
How should I consider a “School Day” SAT or ACT?
How do I choose between ACT, SAT, or both?
Which route to college is better for my student? ACT? SAT? Both ACT and SAT? Based on your relative strengths and weaknesses, we can help you choose.
How do I choose an Ivy Bound tutor?
Often parents don't know how to select a tutor for their child's SAT Prep. Ivy Bound's Mark Greenstein gives some advice.
What makes a college essay stand out?
Mark Greenstein of Ivy Bound helps parents figure out how to get into college. He and his tutors are very good at helping students prepare for tests and do well in school. In this video, Mark talks about college essay tips and how a teen can make their submission standout.
What Looks Good On College Applications?
Is your family trying to determine what looks good on college applications? SAT or ACT scores help students who want to get into good colleges, and this is especially true for African-Americans who want to go to top schools. But everybody needs something more. Mark Greenstein of Ivy Bound shows parents and students what makes a college application stand out.
AP Classes: Are They Worth It?
Ivy Bound's Mark Greenstein helps students and parents assess the importance of APs, honors, IB, and challenging university classes for college admission. For SAT and ACT Prep, Ivy Bound's tailoring, its materials, and its talented tutors yield great results for students, over 140 point average SAT increases, and nearly 14 section-point ACT score increases.
How To Find A Tutor & Why Choose Ivy Bound?
Ivy Bound's individualized approach, materials, and skilled tutors for SAT and ACT Prep produce outstanding outcomes for students, over 140 point average SAT gains, and approximately 14 section-point increases in ACT score.